Pieces of pashen from Peru
Samples have been coming in for the last couple of months, sporadically. Mostly it’s been samples of fabric, swatches of knits with specific stitches I’ve asked to be developed, and lots and lots of color cards with sample yarn in a million different colors. Recently though, I received the first samples of completed garments from one of the artisan groups I am working with in Peru. Please don’t judge me, but I almost started to cry. Actually, I don’t care if you judge me, my lip was doing the little tremble thing and I had to literally fight back tears.
This project has been a long time coming and to see finished garments in my hands that were created based on the images in my head and scribbled in my notebooks, is absolutely amazing.
It was just the first round and there are some corrections to be made but I believe hard work pays off and I am looking forward to sharing my hard work with the world.
A few snippets from the package: